Handbags are as important a fashion accessory as shoes and sunglasses, if not more important. It says a lot about who you are and can either make, or break an outfit. However, one of the biggest mistakes women make today is buying a handbag to match an outfit and not to match their body shape.
Just like a great pair of jeans, a handbag should fit your body type. The shape of a bag shouldn't match your figure: instead, choose the opposite of your body type.
For example, pick a wider bag if you're a tall and thin woman.
Also, don't be afraid to try the handbag on at the store. Get a feel for how it fits and pass on anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Basic designs and styles will last you through the years while maintaining a sense of up-to-date style.
When choosing a bag, the most important thing to remember is BALANCE. Large handbags go with amply padded bodies, while small purses go with smaller bodies.
If you are a petite person, the type of purse that you should be using is small. But if you wear plus sizes, you should go for bigger handbags.
That is one of the basic principles that you should observe when choosing a handbag.
So, if you are short with only a slight figure, you should go for a handbag that is small and is something that you can hold close to your body.
Never ever buy a big purse because you will drown in it.
Holding a big purse if your body is small would make you look as if the purse is carrying you, and not the other way around.
If your hips are wide and heavy, the handbag you need is something that will draw the eyes away from your hips and lower body.
The perfect handbag for you is something with a shoulder strap that will allow the handbag to hang just above your hips.
While girls with top-heavy figures, on the other hand, would want to call attention away from their upper bodies. The handbag that you need is something that has long straps, something that you can hold close to your hips.
Remember to get a large purse to balance out your top-heavy body. Never ever use a small handbag if you have a plus size figure.
If you have the perfect hourglass figure, with your bust line in proportion to your hips and with a definite waist, you can lug along just about any type of purse or handbag there is. But then again, you should still be conscious about the way your purse balances out your figure.
And remember — your purse or handbag is ultimately a fashion accessory and can turn a blah-looking outfit into something extraordinary — if you get the balance right. Your bag should accentuate your assets and not your flaws!