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Minister James: Exciting times ahead!

Photo by Tamell SimonsEducation Minister Elvin James.
What a wonderfully exciting time for every student and parent in the Bermuda Public School System (BPSS)! With the Cambridge International Curriculum being fully implemented for the academic year, your children are set to embark on learning experiences that are perhaps more challenging and rigourous than anything they have experienced before. Gone are the days of 'finding the answers'; we are entering an era of delving and exploring in order to learn more – regardless of the subject.

Dear Parents,

What a wonderfully exciting time for every student and parent in the Bermuda Public School System (BPSS)! With the Cambridge International Curriculum being fully implemented for the academic year, your children are set to embark on learning experiences that are perhaps more challenging and rigourous than anything they have experienced before. Gone are the days of 'finding the answers'; we are entering an era of delving and exploring in order to learn more – regardless of the subject.

There are several keys to your children's success, but here are just a few.

Firstly, support them and encourage them to set goals. Then do all that you can to help them achieve those goals.

Secondly, talk to them about school rules and expectations. Explain to them the importance of obeying the rules and being respectful to both their teachers and their peers.

Thirdly, encourage your children to read. Although school hasn't started yet, set aside at least 30 minutes a day for them to read both silently and to you.

Last but not least, cultivate a positive line of communication with your child's teacher. Whether it's by phone, personal visit, or a talk to teachers about your child's progress. If your children see a healthy relationship between you and their teacher, they will most likely want the same.

To all educators, and to all who work in schools, I would like to say thank you for everything that you do. I know it is not always easy, but I commend each and every one of you for your dedication to the BPSS and to its most important stakeholders, our children, our leaders of tomorrow.

Students, I hope you are ready for all that awaits you during the upcoming school year. I wish you the best. Remain focussed and make your dreams a reality.

Elvin James, JP, MP

Minister of Education