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Paid learning experience

Che Bowen, 15CedarBridge Academy S2Che found out about the summer student programme at CableVision from his godmother, Chevone Jeffries who is employed by the company. He decided to sign up in July and has spent the past few weeks working in the company's warehouse.

Che Bowen, 15

CedarBridge Academy S2

Che found out about the summer student programme at CableVision from his godmother, Chevone Jeffries who is employed by the company. He decided to sign up in July and has spent the past few weeks working in the company's warehouse.

This is his first summer job at CableVision and since he wants to become a technician, he says the experience has proven invaluable.

On a day-to-day basis Che reprograms any set-top boxes before they are sent out to customers. He also fixes any broken boxes and makes sure they're spick and span before they leave the premises.

"I also restock the shelves and help the Customer Services Representatives when they need something done," the avid baseball player says. Of course he agrees that as a summer student you do sometimes end up doing the little jobs that no one else wants to, but that's fine by him.

When asked what he enjoys most about the experience, he grins broadly: "The money!"

He says while the loves the hands-on experience and does plan to work for CableVision after he graduates, earning money during the summer has been the best part.

Does he ever get to go out and help technicians in the field? Che nods and says he was allowed to accompany a technician once for a home installation.

"It was fun and I learned a lot," he says. In fact he enjoyed his summer so much that he might just come back every year until he graduates.

About the CableVision summer employment programme:

Bermuda CableVision is a small company which consider itself a "family" which is why they like to invite students and young family members of staff, who are interested in learning something exciting and new, to join their team over the summer months.

A spokesperson for CableVision said having students employed by the company over the summer also helps them decide what type or career they may be interested in for the future, whether they chose to have a career in the cable television business, or a career doing something else. Bermuda CableVision has numerous departments including its call centre, dispatch, construction, technical, warehouse and sales department where these students are exposed to how a company operates on a daily basis.