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Can Yoga keep up with other forms of fitness?

The ancient Indian art of yoga is now part of the regular exercise circuit in most health clubs in Bermuda and around the world. Michael Watson, a Yoga Instructor with The Bermuda Integrative Health Co-op in Warwick, says Yoga can keep up with other fitness regimes.

But can it keep you as fit as running, cycling or jogging?

"Can yoga make you fit? Yes — in a way. But does the word 'fit' really meet your own need for health, vitality or wholeness. Perhaps we should be looking toward our fitness goals in terms of our health needs," Mr. Watson says.

"The question we might wish to ask is "Do I want to feel whole and healthy or just fit?"

Yoga can enhance flexibility and increase well being by strengthening the joints, working the major muscle groups, and increasing the blood supply to the internal organs. The glandular system and the immune system are both stimulated.

"Yoga is a wonderful tonic that can enhance your well-being, bring meaning to your everyday routine and peace throughout your life. Practicing at home, in class or having a private session on a weekly basis can make all the difference," says Mr. Watson, a graduate of the KMI (Kinesis Myofascial Integration) school of Structural Integration.

During a yoga class, the emphasis is being placed upon postures which benefit the body and the mind. At the end of the class a deep relaxation allows the student to release stressful thoughts from the day and prepare for a good night's sleep. Keeping stress at bay is also a major element of any yoga practice, Mr. Watson explains, as unhealthy amounts of stress can make you fall prey to disease and illness.

The breath is an important part of yoga practice since it helps centre one's thoughts on the body while focusing the mind.

"Without the constant distraction of 'everyday' things, the mind also begins to reset itself. The adage of 'health body, healthy mind' could be reversed to say 'healthy mind, healthy body'," Mr. Watson says.

For more information on yoga classes visit www.healthcoop.bm. For information on upcoming yoga vacations and wellness retreats visit www.mindfulintegration.com.