Bridge Club's party is a cracker!
News of last week's Bridge Club Christmas party was all positive and it seems that the food and programme were well received . . . once again the attendees did what most people do at a party they played bridge !It is understandable, of course, as most of the partygoers do not get many chances to play bridge during the rest of the year . . . hmmmmm.With the 2011 Bridge Regional on the horizon things usually start to slow down at the Bridge Club but with each new year the season seems to get longer with more events to be played.This Sunday sees a two-session event at the Bridge Club when the ACBL Bermuda National Teams will be held at 1pm and 7.30pm ,and this follows the Junior-Senior game last Wednesday, results of which will be in next week's column.This week's hand is one of those teasers that look ever so simple but will bite you if you are at all careless.Board 3. E/W Vul. Dealer South.ªAK8¨5&Copy;K964§AQJ105ªQ532 ª4¨KQJ9 ¨107642&Copy;J532 &Copy;Q8§9 §87342ªJ10976¨83&Copy;A107§K6WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH1ªPass 2§ Pass 2ªPass 4NT Pass 5&Copy;Pass 6ªDeclarer viewed dummy with some pleasure as it looked like there was only one possible loser, probably in the trump suit. He won the heart lead with the Ace and now ran the jack of spades, feeling awfully pleased with himself when it held. He now fell from grace and led a spade to the king and the clouds began to darken when East showed out.Declarer now panicked, cashed a third round of trumps and played on clubs, but East ruffed and cashed a heart, down one. Even if declarer had switched to clubs after the second trump West could ruff and play another heart, promoting his queen.Do you see the best play? Ruff a heart at trick two with the ace of trumps, come to a club, ruff the last heart with the king of trumps and now play the 8 of spades overtaking with the 9. West is helpless . . . declarer can win any return, draw trumps and play on clubs to make the small slam .Yes dear, I know you would have got it right . . .LATEST RESULTSMonday afternoon, November 22N/S 1. Michael Tait-Jane Clipper 2. Misha Novakovic-Margie Way 3. Gertie Barker-Marilynn Simmons /W 1. Allan Graves-Jean Johnson2. Wendy & Richard Gray 3. Magda Farag-Elizabeth McKeeMonday evening, November 22N/S 1. Simon Giffen-Rachael Gosling 2. Roman Smolski-Vera Petty 3. Gordon Bussell-DickMeredith E/W 1. Allan Graves-Jean Johnson 2. Michael Bickley-Tony Saunders 3. Robert Todd-Pat SiddleWednesday morning, November 24N/S 1. Greta Marshall-Lynanne Bolton 2. Wendy & Richard Gray E/W 1. Marilynn Simmons-Elizabeth McKee 2.Peter Donnellan-Dolly WinwickWednesday evening, November 24N/S 1. Kath & Geoff Bell 2. Peter Donnellan-Richard Gozney 3. Andy Carne-Judy Harte 3. Margaret Kirk-Lorna AndersonThursday evening, November 25N/S 1. Peter Donnellan-Devam Sukhija 2. Barrie Mckay-Judy HarteFriday afternoon, November 26N/S 1.Alan Douglas-Jane Smith2. Tony Saunders-Jean Johnson3. Lyn O'Neill-Diana DielGranaway Bridge ClubN/S 1. Jane & Dan McCleary 2. Wendy & Richard Gray 3. Julia Lunn-David Cordon E/W 1. Pat Siddle-Diana Diel 2. Scott & Sally Godet 3. Elizabeth McKee-Rachael GoslingSwiss TeamsD.Cordon-John Burville-Julia Lunn-Robert ToddA.Douglas-Tony Saunders-Allan Graves-Jean JohnsonRachael Gosling-Steve Cosham-Elizabeth McKee-John GlynnMonday afternoon, November 29N/S 1. Richard & Wendy Gray 2. Joan Ross-Ann Sims 3. Dolly Winwick-Carol Jones E/W 1. John Hoskins-Julia Lunn 2. Eileen Sharpe-Sara Zug 3. Martha Ferguson-Julia PattonMonday evening, November 29N/S 1. Judy Bussell-Kevin Comeau 2. Richard & Wendy Gray 3. Steve Ball-Linda Pollett E/W 1.Charles Hall-Tony Saunders 2. Dick Meredith-Gordon Bussell 3. Harry Kast-Michael BickleyWednesday morning, December 1N/S 1. Jean Johnson-Diana Diel 2. Richard & Wendy Gray 3. Bea Williams-Sara Zug E/W 1. Nea Willits-Janice Trott 2. Gill Gray-Pat Siddle 3. Gertie Barker-Judy KingWednesday evening, December 1N/S 1. Barrie Mckay-Charlotte Hood 2. Joyce & Ted Pearson 3. Alex Crampton-Helen Hill E/W 1. Martha Ferguson-Judy Harte 2.Elizabeth Kerr-Jean Thompson 3. Susan & Peter AdhemarThursday evening, December 2N/S 1. Katrina Van Pelt-Dick Meredith 2.Dolly Winwick-Jane Clipper 3. Peter Donnellan-Charles PearmanFriday evening, December 3N/S 1. Judy Bussell-Diana Diel 2. Alan Douglas-Jane Smith 3. Dick Meredith-John Hoskins