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Stretching exercises: Standing calf stretch

Spring in Bermuda and we begin to go for a jog in the mornings, long Sunday walks on the Railway Trail and for the very serious slimming-downers, a rigorous routine at the gym commences.

Whether you are preparing for the Catlin End-to-End, the May 24 marathon or just doing laps around your neighbourhood, stretching before you start to exercise is very important.

When you stretch you are literally stretching your muscle fibres causing them to elongate. This has much the same effect as pulling on a very twisted piece of rope or string. When you do it the rope fibres slacken and the tension that was there lessens. It's the same with muscles.

Additionally the release of tension and the opening up of the muscle fibres causes an increase in blood flow to the area, which means there's more oxygen available to the muscle cells. This in turn makes the muscles more productive and your body feels more energised.

There are a host of stretches you can do but it's important to do each one correctly so as not to tear, strain or sprain either the muscle or its tendon (the portion that attaches the muscle to the bone).

Over the next few weeks Body & Soul will feature some stretches to help you better achieve your exercise goals.

The stretches featured will be simple and appropriate for the large majority of people, however if you have a specific health issue check with your doctor before attempting the stretch.

Standing Calf Stretch

This stretch is familiar to most and stretches the calf muscle the muscle that most influences the shape of your lower leg.

1. Stand an arm's length away from a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Slide the left foot back approximately 18 inches, keeping the knee straight and both heels flat on the floor.

3. Bend your right knee and slowly move your pelvis forward until you feel a stretch in the calf and Achilles of the left leg.

4. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat with the other leg.