Surviving quintuplets turn 20
Twenty years ago today quintuplets Makiri, Dakarai, Raziya, Marjani and Makesi Smith made history following their successful delivery at Howard University Hospital in Washington DC.They were born to parents Robin and Troy Smith and delivered via caesarean section at 29 weeks.At that time the likelihood of producing quintuplets was between one in 25 million and one in 85 million. Before the Smiths, the last quintuplets born in the United States who survived early infancy were delivered in South Dakota in 1963.Since that momentous day, the four surviving siblings have shared the love of their parents, treasured childhood moments and even global media attention.This birthday signifies the fact they are no longer teenagers and “it’s time to grow up”, according to Raziya.She will be spending her birthday on Island with her parents, while her three siblings celebrate together in Washington.“It’s kind of sad. We are growing up. We are not teenagers anymore, we are 20 years old,” she said.“It’s been a challenge growing up because last year we all spent our birthdays not together for the first time ever. I was in Florida, Makiri was in Bermuda, my sister [Marjani] was in New Jersey and my other brother [Dakarai] was in Washington.”The quintuplets are also coming into their own as young people and moving forward in their chosen careers.Dakarai is a student at Howard University studying business management; Makiri is beginning an audio engineering degree at Full Sail University in Florida and Marjani is pursuing child care studies in Jamaica.Raziya is in Bermuda searching for work, but plans to complete a business management programme in Valencia, Florida, after saving enough money.The siblings also have their own unique personalities, which has often been a source of conflict.Dakarai is described as the most studious of the quintuplets. “He is probably the smartest. He was more outspoken of the boys and was the most focused, he still is the most focused,” said Raziya.Marjani is considered the ‘protector’, the most outgoing and the “funniest out of everyone”.Makiri called himself the quiet one and said his brother Dakarai always stood up for him in times of need. Raziya admitted she is probably the most creative and remembers drawing a lot as a child.Despite what Dakarai describes as different “personality clashes”, the youngsters always had a tight bond growing up.“To have three siblings your same age is something special. You can never get bored, you always have someone to play with, talk to, turn to, cry to. The connection is something amazing,” he said.Makiri said they also stood up for each other and dealt with tough situations together. “At school you know if anyone tried to fight us I always had support. No one tried to fight us because I always had four brothers and sisters, that was good.”They also shared in life’s challenges and have applauded their parents for working hard to give them a normal upbringing.“Coming up being a quintuplet wasn’t the easiest for my parents,” recalled Raziya. “Maybe people looking at us thought ‘Wow these are quintuplets’, but I wonder how their life was, it wasn’t easy. My parents are trying to school us right now [by putting us through college].”Dakarai said: “They sacrificed many things for our happiness, we have been on numerous family vacations and everyone was treated equally. I couldn’t have asked for better parents.”The siblings also remember Makesi the sibling they lost at age 21 months from complications related to their premature birth.“Sometimes I just wonder what he would be like and look like. It would have been a lot different if he were alive,” said Makiri.Though the young people deny having the psychic connection some twins speak about, they say they have always empathised with each other and are as close as ever today.“Our communication is good with our siblings, we communicate through BlackBerry Messenger. It’s as close as it was before because we all have to have family talks. We are very close today,” said Raziya.“[When we were young we did] everything together, being able to share everything and go everywhere together. It was just us four against the world.”Marjani added: “We were very close [growing up]. We’re still close and we will always be close.”