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Small details can make a difference

I’m travelling at the time of writing this so just a hand that came up against us on OK Bridge last night which the opponents could have handled better.NorthS-AKJ65H-A942D- J2C- A5SouthS-10H- KQJ108D- A2C-KQJ102South opened 1 Heart and North now was off to the races … he bid 4NT Roman Key Card Blackwood , South bid 5 Spades showing two key cards ( Aces and Trump King are Key Cards ) and the Queen of trumps and North now bid 6 Hearts! Poor South is now stuck he knows he has a way better hand than promised , suspects that 7 is on, but cannot move in case a key card is missing!Solution? I believe that even if North intends to rest in six hearts he should bid 5NT after 5 Spades, looking for Kings but, more importantly, confirming that N/S have all five key cards. Now South doesn’t even have to reply and can bid 7 hearts and pretty much claim without seeing dummy!A small detail , but well worth discussing with partner.