2012 Regional opens tonight
Well, once again the big day is here and tonight, Tournament Chairpersons Judy Bussell and Donna Leitch will be on hand to greet visitors and locals alike to the 2012 Bermuda Regional at the Fairmont Southampton. The tournament is undoubtedly the highlight of our bridge year and there is little to match the excitement of playing at the event.Early indications are that the attendance will be lower than previous years due to the economy with fewer repeat visitors as many of our regulars are travelling less and there are one or two events that are taking place alongside ours. I think we worry a bit too much about numbers as the actual bridge retains all its excitement whether there are 200 or 500 in the field. I am sure our Committee will pull out all the stops to once again deliver what is in my opinion an unmatched atmosphere at a Regional and I’m confident that all who attend will have a great time.Leading the Director Team will once again be Sol Weinstein and our own Jack Rhind will once again be a fully qualified member of that team. Janet Evans is back and will be producing her excellent Daily Bulletins, though I hear that better half Bill cannot make the trip due to demands in the workplace ... hmmm, never a very good reason for missing the Regional!With the smaller field, expect to see many local pairs in the overall standings in each event. Roman Smolski and Vera Petty will be seeking to extend their remarkable winning streak in the Norman Bach masterpoint race in the face of some strong competition and the week promises to be an exciting one. There is an excellent website for the tournament at www.Bermudaregional.comThis fascinating and frustrating hand turned up at Monday’s open game and caused huge problems right across the field in the bidding for North-South and in the play for East-West!Board 2. N/S Vul. Dealer EastQ5A952J63K743J82 AK97376 Q1083KQ975 1081086 521064KJ3A42AQJ9The East hand has no real bid but pass, but nowadays many bid on the hand, some opening 1 spade and others even a weak 2 spades, both of which I think are horrible opposite an unpassed hand! Anyway, a number of Souths got into 3NT and the hand is almost impossible to beat. The layout of the spade suit makes it impossible for East- West to untangle their tricks and that leads to all sorts of problems.If West leads the diamond king that actually gives declarer her ninth trick with the diamond jack, declarer winning the Ace and leading another one towards the jack and with the spade suit blocked, declarer has 2 diamonds, 3 hearts and 4 Clubs. If West leads a small spade and East cashes the Ace-King, West can see that the suit is going to be blocked and must throw the jack under the second high spade hoping partner has the 10 alas he doesn’t and declarer again has a ninth trick!So what if West hangs on to the Jack and E/W cash the first three spades? They are still dead! West cannot lead diamonds, so exits with a safe club … declarer now wins, takes the heart finesse, cashes three hearts and four clubs, reducing West to only diamonds and then leads a low diamond towards the jack curtains for West as he is endplayed once he wins the queen!So how do you defeat it? I think a spade lead and a diamond switch from East declarer has to play low and East wins, the defence take their three spade tricks and exit with a safe card … declarer now has no more than 8 tricks!Also, if West just starts with a passive club or heart lead declarer cannot get to more than 8 tricks … in essence the defence must not try to make five tricks, they must just not give declarer any more tricks than he has !!Try it all … I think I’m right, but let me know if you think otherwise!LATEST RESULTSMonday afternoon, January 2N/S 1 Greta Marshall-Elysa Burland 2 Judy Bussell-Nea Willits 3 Joan Sims-Gwen Christensen 4 Pat Hayward-Gordon Bussell 5 Lis Tyers-Julia LunnMonday evening, January 2N/S 1 John Glynn-Elizabeth McKee 2 Tony Saunders-Jean Johnson 3 Judy Bussell-Stephanie Kyme E/W 1 Bill Tucker-Alan Douglas 2 Rachael Gosling-Kevin Comeau 3 John Rayner-Magda FaragTuesday evening, January 3N/S 1 Danielle Clouier-Mark Crampton 2 Kath & Geoff Bell 3 Judy Harte-Thomas Bolton 4 Marsha & James MasonWednesday morning, January 4N/S 1 Judy Bussell-Jean Johnson 2 Julia Lunn-Russ Craft 3 Lyn O'Neill-Louise Rodger 4 Aida Bostelmann-Ellen Davidson 5 Gertie Barker-Magda FaragThursday Evening, January 5N/S 1 Annelies Scheland-Ann Proctor 2 Joan & Ron Ross 3 Katrina Van Pelt-Greg Carey 4 Michael Tait-Jane ClipperFriday evening, January 6N/S 1 Alan Douglas-Jane Smith 2 Trish Colmet-Elysa Burland 3 Rachael Gosling-Elizabeth McKee E/W 1 Eddie & Stephanie Kyme 2 Charles Hall-Tony Saunders 3 Paul Thompson-Greg CareyMonday morning, January 9N/S 1 Margie Way-Kath Bell 2 Greta Marshall-Louise Rodger 3 Peggy Thompso-Elysa Burland E/W 1 Judy Bussell-Stephanie Kyme 2 Diana Diel-Lyn O'Neill 3 Alice Palmer-Michael BickleyMonday evening, January 9N/S 1 Judy Bussell-Stephanie Kyme 2 John Glynn-Elizabeth McKee 3 Tony Saunders-Jean Johnson E/W 1 Diana Diel-Lyn O'Neill 2 Bill Tucker-Misha Novakovic 3 Rachael Gosling-Kevin ComeauTuesday evening, January 10N/S 1 Rosie Smith-Judy Patton 2 Danielle Cloutier-Jean Thompson 3 Marsha & James Fraser E/W 1 Joy Lusher-Elma Anfossi 2 Judy Harte-Stephen Smith 3 Marsha Ferguson- Mark CramptonWednesday morning, January 11N/S 1 Richard & Wendy Gray 2 Judy Bussell-Jean Johnson 3 Donna Leitch-Jeanette Shaw E/W 1 Magna Farag-Jane Smith 2 Michael Bickley-Harry Kast 3 Ellen Davidson-Janice TrottWednesday evening, January 11N/S 1 Greg Carey-Paul Thompson2 Michael Tait-Jane Clipper 3 Diana Kempe-Danielle Cloutier E/W 1 Charles Pearman-Penny Cooke 2 Scott & Sally Godet 3 Thomas Bolton-Judy HarteFriday, January 13N/S 1 Judy Bussell-Tony Saunders 2 Richard & Wendy Gray 3 David & Sally Sykes E/W 1 Magda Farag-John Burville 2 John Hoskins-John Glynn 3 Stephanie & Eddie Kyme