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In defence of Dr Durham Thompson

Educator Hilda Smith with her adopted niece Dr. Shangri-la Durham Thompson

Somehow or the other I feel constrained to let Dr. Shangri-La Durham-Thompson, Principal of Prospect Primary School know that ‘I have her back’ in the mind-boggling battle she and her union, the Association of School Principals (ASP) have in what is seen by many, as a “hostile takeover” of her school, with an indication of more to come.Dr Shangri-La is my good friend. She springs from a family of achievers whose progression I have followed; ‘covered’ for many years, and got to know intimately.Her brother, Coolidge Durham, was recently made an evangelist, her sister; Dr Donna Durham-Pierre, is the Chair of the Life Sciences Department at Winston Salem State University. Over a year ago I reported on the honours bestowed on her youngest sister, Shelby Durham-Jackson, as an outstanding business woman in Philadelphia.These individuals, raised by their parents, Julia and Coolidge Durham of Hamilton Parish are all products of the public education system. They were undoubtedly inspired by their aunt Mrs. Hilda Smith who at age 104 years, is remarkably spunky and spry and has the distinction of being Bermuda’s oldest living educator.My late wife and I joined the Durham family in attending Shangri-La’s graduation at St. John’s University in New York, and reported in the old Mid-Ocean News how she received her doctorate with highest academic honour, at the top of her class.The foregoing are just some of the reasons it’s difficult to understand how she should require an executive principal superimposed on her supposedly to improve the standards at her school. The scenario that has ensued has reminded me most forcibly of the old maxim, that ‘it’s not what you do, but how you do it.’Years ago when Shangri-La was a teacher at the Berkeley Institute, she called me for copies of my book, “Freedom Fighters, From Monk to Mazumbo”. I was invited to address her classes and she encouraged every student to read and study the book.Subsequently I was thrilled when she informed the public that she was so moved by my writing that she turned my manuscript into a play. This play drew hundreds, in the rain to St. Paul’s AME Church Hall to witness what can only be described as an outstanding historical drama, with Arthur Wade Jr. playing the role of Mazumbo.Shangri-La has documented in her own book “Battle for Freedom”, with the assistance of Dale Butler, many plays aimed at raising the awareness of our Bermudian people. She is passionate and untiring advocate for justice and equality and was awarded the Queen’s Certificate and Badge of Honour for her outstanding contribution to our society.More recently, after she was appointed Principal of the Prospect Primary School, I was asked to become a member of Prospect’s Elders’ Council along with Dr Eva Hodgson, Dr Muriel Wade Smith and Dr Merle Brock Swan Williams. We were selected to lend our support in various areas. I met with her staff and discussed social studies so that the staff would have a clearer understanding of their curriculum. I constantly read about Prospect in the newspapers and I know the school staff has been insistent that each child’s individual gifts must be developed.Finally, in my opinion, Shangri-La’s character is beyond reproach. She is a constant reminder of my utter respect for those teachers who ‘inspire’ over and above those who just ‘teach. She is the conference Superintendent for the 11 AME Churches of Bermuda. Recently she held a convention recognizing 26 young people from the AME Church for their contributions to our society. There were doctors and lawyers in the mix, and others who were cited for simply being good citizens. The AME Church, the Bermuda school system and the community at large have benefited immeasurably from Shangri-La’s unflagging work.Shangri-La has not asked for my support. She knows I am not a lawyer!If I were to be so bold as to offer my help to Dr Shangri-La, I would only tell her to check Page 58 of “Freedom Fighters” and see how Monk at his trial, in his historic four-and-half day closing address to the jury trying him, took comfort in laughing his detractors to scorn by referring to the old story of ‘Tay’ barking at the Moon.