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Sagurs takes charge at Atlantic Phoenix

Wor Bro Zachary J. Sagurs, solo in the Masters Chair at Atlantic Phoenix Masonic Lodge, Hamilton.

Atlantic Phoenix No 224, one of the oldest masonic lodges in Bermuda on the Grand Registry of England, has a new Worshipful Master. He is Worshipful Brother (W Bro) Zachary J Sagurs, who was installed with all the combined solemnity and spectacle associated with these annual events, attended by the big chiefs along with brethren from all three of the Constitutions in the island, English, Scottish and Irish.Over and above its antiquity and the influence it asserted throughout the last two centuries, Atlantic Phoenix is probably the wealthiest, being owners of the majestic Masonic Hall in Reid Street.W.B. Sagurs after being duly installed by W Bro Thad A Hollis, he installed his own officers and afterwards, entertained all present at a fine festive board, which is masonic terminology for a banquet downstairs in the temple. There he received compliments from the two “rulers” who were his proposer and seconder for membership in the craft, W Bro Rick Kempe and Right W Bro R W Rego, JP.

Wor Bro Zachary Sagurs with his officers installed for the year 2012. Front row the left, Immediate PM W Bro David A. Le?Strange, SW Bro Patrick D Caton, WM W Bro Zachary J Sagurs, JW Bro S Douglas Parker, JD Bro. Jeffrey M Lewis, and Treasurer W Bro Dueane S Dill, Past Master. Middle row, left to right, Tyler Bro Barry S Lewis, Steward of Charities W Bro Dudley R Cottingham, DG Reg, SD Bro Bradley A. Woodings, Steward Bro. Charles D Morgan, and Almoner W Bro Stephen W. Kempe P.Dist.G.St.B. Back row, l-r, Steward Bro, Steven J. Pacheco, Asst. D. of C. W. Bro. William H. Mayor, Jr., D.J.G.D., Organist W. Bro. Ian D. MacIntyre, D.G.Chty.Stwd, Chaplain W. Bro. Keith O. DeSilva, P.Dist.G.St.B., Steward Bro D. Scott Tavares, and Secretary W. Bro. Thad A. Hollis, D.G.St.B. Not shown, D. of C. W. Bro. Michael E. Smith, D.G. Tyler, Asst. Secretary W. Bro. Benjamin J. Frith, P.M. and Inner Guard Bro. Wendell E. Ebbin.