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Surprise visit for Edwina

Photo by Ira PhilipEdwina Cann, her daughter Edwina Carter and son-in-law Robbie Carter are pictured while visiting the late Berwyn Cann’s grave in St. James Churchyard, Somerset.

It was an extraordinarily good weekend for former Sandys Parish resident, Edwina Cann, writes Ira Philip.First, she had to cope with the scores of calls from her friends and those of her daughter Francine Tevis. Both were given a top profile in our previous edition of The Weekender for their honours from the US Navy when highly decorated Francine with the rank of Master Chief retired after 30 years service in the US Navy.Then Edwina had a surprise visit from another of her four Tevis daughters, who incidentally is also named Edwina, and like Francine is a Registered Nurse. Edwina Jr was accompanied by her husband Robbie Carter. They are residents of East St Louis and celebrating their eleventh year of marriage. Edwina Sr met and married their father, American Frank Tevis, when he was stationed in Bermuda with the US Air Force. He makes his home in the Philippines after retiring from the Air Force. Edwina and the four daughters of the marriage settled in Bermuda. The girls were raised here, attending Northlands School, Berkeley Institute and Bermuda College. Edwina became the wife of well-known Berwyn Cann, who passed away in 2007. The two Edwinas and Robbie were pictured above while visiting Berwyn’s grave in St. James Churchyard, Somerset. - Ira Philip