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Marjorie Tucker had a lust for life - and roller skating

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A scene at the New Testament Church of God, as Marjorie Tucker's spirited brother-in-law Calvin Busby stirred up both the Praise Team in the background and the congregation as a whole with his vocal and instrumental tributes to the friend he said he adored and admired so much for her Christian commitment and way of life.

Emotions ran the full gamut at the rites for Marjorie Ann Tucker at the New Testament Church of God, Dundonald Street.She was in her 70th year when she died - one day after the passing of her esteemed brother-in-law, Robert (Robbie Tuck) Tucker (whom we eulogised in this space a week ago).Marjorie was profusely eulogized by the many kinfolk and a broad band of friends and admirers she cultivated from the time she left Dellwood School at the tender age of 12, developing her passion for arts and craft, and naturally taking the spotlight in whaever she indulged, whether it was as a dancing majorette; as Queen ‘B’ of roller-skating in Bermuda, also as an instructor in Terpsichorean Dancing at the Pembroke Community Club and teaching line-dancing at the Bermuda College Seniors’ Learning Centre. She founded the Skating Club at the Bermuda Bowl. It later expanded to the rink at the PCC.She worked as a seamsgtress, became expert at repairing sails and awnings under the late Alexander Smith of Hamilton; and became self-employed as an upholsterer. She was hailed as a craft-maker, decorator, creator and an all-round busy-body, fully energized, some called her the creator of re-cycling.Marjorie was a founding member of the African Violet Club. Her philosophy in life was ‘Let’s Play it by Ear of or even Air.’ She loved the onset of the Agricultural Exhibition, Easter, Bermuda Day and Christmas parades, when her talents became fully engaged designing and sewing costumes until the wee hours of the morning.She is survived by six talented children, grands and great-grands and six siblings.

Marjorie Tucker