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Battling modern-day Delilahs

Evening Light Tabernacle’s Senior Pastor, Rev. Harold J. Lambe, right, is with Bro. Wendell Hassell, chairman of the 100 Men-plus breakfast committee; and Rev. Howard Dill, pastor of Allen Temple.—photo by Ira Philip.

The intriguing Old Testament story of how Samson, the strongest man who ever lived was brought to his knees by his lover who became his wife, was revisited with up-to-date 21st Century impact a week ago. That’s when the Rev. Harold J. Lamb, Senior Pastor of Evening Light Pentecostal Church, Pembroke addressed the annual 100 Men Fellowship Breakfast at Allen Temple AME Church, Somerset.His theme was “Men of God Working through their Delilahs”. Almost with ‘Delilah-like dexterity’ ministerial wit and humour, he had his men-only early morning audience virtually in the palm of his hand as he took them through verses of the Book of Judges 16 and the Oxford Dictionary for modern-day relevance that defined Delilah as a seductive and wily temptress, scheming, deceptive, treacherous, plotting two-timing crook among other things.“The love affair between Samson and Delilah is one of the most pathetic examples of lust and manipulation in history, “ Pastor Lamb said. “Lust overshadowed the obvious, it blinded Samson from seeing Delilah for who she really was.“Very often the Delilah’s that come into our lives have their own agenda. Samson’s wife valued money more than relationships, his enemies were paying for her to discover the secret of his strength. Samson did not have a clue to what she was planning and that’s true of most Delilahs. We are unaware of their schemes; she cannot be tamed or trained.”Pastor Lambe warned there comes a time when we have to confess that we are powerless to our Delilahs and what’s sidetracking us. Our distractions could be addiction to drugs, money, women, lust or coveting that which belongs to someone else.”We come to a place in our lives when we realise that our life has become unmanageable and out of control.”Samson was one of Israel’s judges. As a child he had been dedicated to God who anointed him with supernatural strength and intended him not only to be a Nazarite but to live to God’s highest standards for his people. But Delilah cared nothing about the call of God on Samson’s life She was on her own agenda that did not include Samson.He cited how many a modern-day man has gotten off track from the good intentions he set out with. Likewise, he told his audience, the Delilahs in your life are not concerned about the call of God on your life, your God-given destiny means nothing to her. She was a distraction and a dangerous one.“I challenge you to avoid distractions. They may not only be a woman, it could be pornography, greed, covetousness, ungodly ambitions, lust or what ever took one away from what God had planned for one life.”After an absence of 38 years Pastor Lambe returned to Bermuda for his post at Evening Light Tabernacle. He and his wife Marilyn travelled as evangelists and pastored in New England for 23 years. In 1993 the Lambes travelled to Kansas City, Kansas, pastoring the Third Street Church of God with an immediate outreach ministry that had an immediate impact upon the community.He was founder and chairperson of the Urban Reconciliation of Kansas, known as TURN: KC, which was created to serve the spiritual and personal needs of Kansas City’s inner-city residents.Men from all over the island converged on the Allen Temple Hall. So many attended it seemed the caterers appeared to be on the brink of engaging ‘Feeding the 5000’ techniques to take care of business.