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Bermuda Bridge Club’ leadership deserve congratulations

The big news this week is the departure of the Bermuda Team to the CACBF trials in Panama starting this Friday.The three pairs making up the team are Sheena Rayner — Magda Farag, Judy Bussell — Stephanie Kyme and John Hoskins — Marge Way with the experienced Jack Rhind as coach.These pairs won the right to represent the island in the recently held trials and we wish them all the best of luck.The Team will be competing in the Zone 5 Championships and will be in a field consisting of Barbados, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Jamaica, Martinique, Panama and Trinidad and Tobago.The Bermuda squad should give a good account of themselves in this field and I will report their progress in this column — again, good luck to them!The Bermuda Bridge Club of today is a veritable hive of activity and the current leadership deserves congratulations for the drive and energy that not only makes it all more interesting but will also attract, and retain, members at the Club.Last Wednesday saw Alan Douglas give a talk on the Precision System and next Wednesday the 22nd is a workshop on Takeout Doubles.We also just had the first Mentor/Mentee evening where more experienced players partner some of the newcomers, an interesting experiment.All of this should get players ready for the Bermuda Sectional being held between May 31st and June 3rd. More on that later.This week’s hand is simply a stunner, and came up in a Team game at a recent event.Declarer was clearly a player of some class and not only had the ability to see his only chance, but was able to execute it to perfection and was duly rewarded with a favourable lie of the cards.Both Vul. Dealer SouthAKQ862106105473973 J1054KQJ9853 23 K876286 954NoneA74AQJ9AKQJ102WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH1C3H 3S Pass 4DPass 4S Pass 6CThe leap to six clubs was made in the hope that dummy would turn up with something useful, perhaps even a singleton heart, but that was not to be!Dummy was a huge disappointment, no trump support, no singleton heart and top spades that could not be reached!There was one card in dummy, however, that proved to be key to the hand.West led the king of hearts and it looked pretty hopeless, looking at all four hands (which declarer can’t see) can you see any way to succeed?Well declarer did: He drew two rounds of trumps and knowing that East probably had a singleton heart, now led the two of clubs forcing East to win with the nine.East was stuck knowing declarer had to be void in spades to make this play he led a low diamond and now that all important diamond ten came into play.Declarer ran the diamond to the ten, cashed three spades throwing two hearts and a diamond, repeated the diamond finesse and claimed — totally brilliant.Notice that if East had exited with a spade declarer needs to be very careful he has to discard two hearts and the Jack diamonds.Now he can lead the 10 from dummy and take the finesse again if needed. If he had discarded the diamond nine the hand would fail.This sort of hand makes my day!