Unexciting, but hugely instructional
BridgeAnother hugely successful Bermuda Sectional came to a conclusion last Monday, and Andy Carne, the tournament co-ordinator, and his team are to be congratulated. This event has taken on a real personality, and is now an important part of the Bridge calendar. Well done to all who have played a part in building it up over the past decade.Bermuda sectional resultsSingle session eventsFridayAlyce Craft Stratified PairsFlight A Tony Saunders/Charles Hall; Flight B Elizabeth McKee/Louise Rodger; Flight C Michael Tait/Jane Clipper.MondayMaiden Stratified PairsFlight A Dee & Russell Craft; Flight B Dee & Russell Craft; Flight C Reid Young/Tom KinnearTwo session championship eventsRoyal Gazette / David Ezekiel Masters PairsFlight A Marge Way/Jean Johnson; Flight B Sue and John Hodge; Flight C Michael Tait/Jean ThompsonIndependent Financial Services Stratified PairsFlight A David and Sally Sykes; Flight B Russell and Dee Craft; Flight C Kathleen and Geoff BellGosling’s Swiss TeamsFlight A Robert Todd/Rachael Gosling/Elizabeth Mckee/John Glynn; Flight B Russell & Dee Craft/Pat Hayward/Elysa Burland; Flight C John and Sue Hodge/Ellen Davidson/Paul ThompsonThere was one further prize, the Robert Todd Trophy for the leading masterpoint winner of the week, and that had a fun twist to it.Our own Jean Johnson thought she had won it after amassing the highest total of the locals, only to find that she had been pipped by two masterpoints by, a certain Robert Todd from the USA.Robert is a great supporter of the Regional, and Sectional, so this must have been a fun result for him.There were some really good performances during the week, and Russell and Dee Craft, Michael Tait, and John and Sue Hodge seemed to be consistently good over the various events.Attendance was again very good at 117 tables, down on last year, but still excellent for an event of this type.Lots still going on at the club before the Summer break: The Open Teams is on June 12th/14th, Alan Douglas is giving a talk on The Convention Card on June 19th, and the next Mentor/Mentee evening is set for June 21st.Before I get to the hand: Last week I discussed the Bermuda team performance at the CACBF Trials, and promised to get a bit more insight from NPC Jack Rhind. This I did, and I will cover that in next week’s column .Despite this being my column, I can comfortably describe this week’s hand as unexciting, and ordinary. But, also hugely instructional.You hold :S QJ1072H J1073D Q4C 32And hear this bidding :WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH1C Pass 1SDBL Pass 2H 3CPass Pass PassWhat do you lead? Think about a few things. You hold a chunky spade suit, and South has bid spades. Partner has shown hearts, and diamonds with his double. You have four hearts, and North’s second round pass suggests a balanced hand. So, South is probably short in hearts.It all, dear player, sounds like a cross ruff. So lead a trump.The full hand:S A3H A984D 762C AQ108S K S QJ1072H KQ65 H J1073D AJ953 D Q4C 654 C 32S 98654H 2D K108S KJ97Notice that on a heart, or spade, lead, declarer will play spades to set up the cross ruff, and will make four trumps, three ruffs, and two aces, for nine tricks.If East leads a trump, and continues trumps when in with the spade, declarer can do no better than eight tricks. Try it.So, whilst blind trump leads rarely work, trump leads work well when the opponents are in a secondary fit, or when they are sacrificing based on cross-ruff potential.Leading trumps compresses the use of the trumps in both hands, and often produces great results.