Shooter Madeiros in sixth place
Bermuda shooter Terence Madeiros was lying in sixth place and Andrew Pereira ninth after the third round of the Automatic Ball Trap Individual event.The competition is being led by Esmar Andreasen from the Faroe Islands.In the Olympic Skeet Invididual event, Pereira is placed eighth after six rounds and Madeiros 10th. Another Faroe islander, Marius Joensen leads the way.Bermuda’s David Dumont and Anthony Rabain were in fifth place in the 25 metre Rapid Fire competition when the last results were posted.Peter Norggren and Olof Widing from Gotland are on top of the leaderboard.When the 25 Standard Pistol event concluded the gold went to Gotland’s Bengt Hyytiainen and Peter Nordreg. Rabain and Nelson Simons placed sixth.After three rounds of the 25m Standard Pistol, Rabain was 11th and Simons 13th.Isle of Man shooter Anthony Elgar is tied with Hyytiainen and Aland’s Rune Karlsson.