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Man admits attack on cruise ship visitors

A Devonshire man has admitted attacking two tourists with a piece of metal pipe in Par-la-Ville Park.Omar Young, 37, of Lookout Lane, switched to a guilty plea in Magistrates’ Court and admitted attempting to rob visitor Gregory Nader, unlawfully wounding his brother Lawrence Nader, and carrying an offensive weapon.The attack occurred at the park restrooms at around 5pm on April 23.The two cruise ship visitors had gone to the park while their wives were shopping.Young was inside the bathrooms when they entered, and told them “give me everything you got”, blocking the entrance when they tried to leave.According to Crown counsel Karen King, the brothers challenged Young. Gregory Nader then attempted to leave and had his shirt torn from his body. Young dragged a park bench toward the door, at which point both men grappled with him while members of the public tried to intervene.Young broke free, grabbed the piece of pipe, and struck Lawrence Nader in the head, causing a one-inch laceration, while Gregory Nader received a cut to his hand during the struggle.Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo ordered a psychological report on Young. He was remanded in custody, and will return for sentencing in July.