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Homer's Cafe officially opens

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Masterworks' Homer's Cafe was officially opened this week by Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith.Dame Jennifer applauded Masterworks' founder and director Tom Butterfield for his efforts and called on the community to lend its support to the arts.“This latest addition to the Masterworks Gallery is a fine achievement meant to encourage us, when we visit, to spend even more time in these lovely surroundings,” she said.“I have always maintained that the arts are an essential part of our culture. And as I look around, I see evidence of the hard work and fruit of a team of dedicated craftsmen, designers, architects, artists and volunteers.”The cafe, which sits in Masterworks' gallery in the Botanical Gardens, was named after Winslow Homer.“It has been said that through the arts, we as individuals discover the meaning of life itself.“The arts capture our essence, our purpose, and our world, through experiences that communicate and transcend all cultures all languages.“I encourage you to continue to support our local art organisations and their programmes, because only through the assistance of the entire community can we ensure that our homegrown artists continue to thrive.”

Husband and wife Dick and Francis Fraser along with Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith cut the ribbon of Homers cafe at the Masterworks in Paget
VIP guests enjoy them selves at the ribbon cutting of Homers cafe at the Masterworks in Paget .