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Chewstick hosts Canada’s spoken word star Morgan

Top spoken word artist: Dwayne Morgan

The top spoken word artist in Canada will perform in Bermuda this weekend, courtesy of Chewstick.Dwayne Morgan will perform tomorrow and attend an advanced poetry workshop at the Foundation’s Neo-Griot Lounge and Cafe the following day.Tomorrow’s show, Poetic License, will also include performances by local poet Tiffany Paynter and ChewSLAM.“It’s an event not to be missed as this is a chance to see poetic expression and its subtle nuances across geographical, generational and gender lines,” said Chewstick’s Deidra-Lee Bean.“It will be an amazing evening hosted by Bermuda’s most-prolific spoken word artist, diehard storyteller, and industrious graphic designer, Stephan Johnstone. Poetic License will be Dwayne Morgan’s first performance in Bermuda and promises to be simply epic. He has shared his talents around the world as a spoken word artist, social entrepreneur and all around dynamic presence. This evening will allow him to showcase his verbal mastery alongside some of the best poetic talents Bermuda has to offer.”Tickets are $10 for tomorrow night’s show. Admission to Sunday’s poetry workshop is $15; $10 if a ticket to the Saturday show is also purchased.For more information call 292-2439 (CHEW) or e-mail info[AT]chewstick.org.Useful websites: www.chewstick.org, www.dwaynemorgan.ca, upfromtheroots.ca.