Modern day Robin Hoods or lawless outlaws?
We are Legion: The Story of the HactavistsSaturday, October 20 at 9pm at BUEIFrom funny pictures of cats to revolutions in the Middle East, ‘We Are Legion’ takes a fascinating look at the “hacktivist” group Anonymous.The film details the birth of the proudly leaderless group in the wild west of online forums and its gradual — if not unanimous — move towards a social conscious.Many say they take part in online attacks because they believe it is right. Others got involved for the “lulz” harassing people and groups because they find it funny.Several of the interview subjects compare the group to Robin Hood, breaking laws in order to do the right thing. It’s a hard point to argue when the target is a Neo-Nazi, but some of the alleged victims of Anonymous’ wrath fall far short of that moral safeground.The interview subjects highlighted in the film, including numerous Anonymous members wearing their iconic Guy Fawkes masks, give a good insight into the group’s tactics and conflicting behaviour.Unfortunately, the film falters somewhat towards the end. New online attacks, internal betrayals and more than a dozen arrests occur at a rapid pace, leaving the filmmaker juggling with perhaps one too many threads.