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KAF piece is a real conversation starter

Kaleidoscope Fibreglass Fish. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

Nothing starts a conversation like a fish in a tree, and Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation are hoping to get lots of people talking about their latest exhibit.Students from the KAF Easter camp created an installation called Flying Fish by placing colourful wooden fish in the trees on the KAF property on Jubilee Road in Devonshire. KAF is encouraging the general public to come out and enjoy the fish by either driving by, or stopping in for a closer look.“We wanted to pay homage to Graham Foster’s piece Salt Kettle that has fishes in the sky,” said artist and camp counsellor Manuel Palacio. “The concept was to do something in a public space and something that fits in with local art. Fish are part of our art and culture. We wanted to use them to start a conversation.”Students in the camp were seven to 11-years-old. Mr Palacio and instructors Kendra Earls and Corrina Rego cut the shapes out using electric saws, and the students took care of the rest, sanding, painting and varnishing them.“Once they had the fish we encouraged the concept of art and design, contrast, colour and all that good stuff,” said Mr Palacio. “A lot of people drive by and see it. The children are the ones that love it.”Before making their fish, students went to the Aquarium to get inspiration from the real fish there. Artist Graham Foster also visited the camp to talk to the children about his art.“He often comes to talk to our campers,” said Mr Palacio. “He is one of the artists in Bermuda who is willing to share his time.”The fish will be hanging from the trees at KAF for about a month, depending on the weather.“Once the weather starts getting worse we might take them down,” said Mr Palacio. “We wanted the fish to be up there to follow our show of KAF camp art work that was on at the Bermuda Society of Arts (BSOA) in January and February.“Our campers could go to the BSOA to see their work on display, but we also wanted them to see that art could be displayed outside as well.”He said the installation was proving very popular with children.“The children really love it,” he said. “Kids who come to KAF just look at it in wonder. It is a big plus for us when you see parents stopping and showing their children. We need to put more stuff out that people can see. Bermudians need to talk about the environment more.”For more information about KAF programmes see their website at www.kaf.bm .

Manual Palacio, Kaleidoscope Fibreglass Fish. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Kaleidoscope Fibreglass Fish. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Kaleidoscope Fibreglass Fish. (Photo by Akil Simmons)