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Eclectic selection celebrates Island’s artistic talent

Windjammer Exhibition: Sheilagh Head, "Reef Series", Oil on Panel.

While many view the current heat and humidity as an excuse to do nothing, ten of Bermuda’s professional artists agree with the Windjammer II Gallery that artistic talent should be celebrated year-round.Thus it is that a new group exhibition, ‘Summer 2013,’ is now underway in the Gallery’s Hamilton Princess hotel location. It features an exciting, mixed-media collection of works with which gallery owner Sheilagh Head is very pleased.Designed to showcase the impressive depth of artistic talent on the Island, those participating in the curated show are Stephen Card, Will Collieson, Molly Godet, Christopher Grimes, Sheilagh Head, Milton Hill, Christina Hutchings, Nicholas Silk, Caroline Troncossi and Chesley Trott.“When people see this show I think they will be quite surprised, because it is a very eclectic one,” Mrs. Head said. “Traditional art is hanging quite comfortably with some very non-traditional work. A few of the artists have not been seen at the Gallery for some time, while others are new to the Gallery. Among the latter is Chesley Trott, whose Bermuda cedar sculpture we are very pleased to have, and we are happy to welcome the return of Will Collieson and Caroline Troncossi.”Because there are now some 55 professional Bermuda artists and artisans who exhibit at the gallery, some of whom also exhibit and are known internationally, Mrs Head said it was impossible to feature all of them in a single show due to space limitations. Therefore, ‘Summer 2013’ has been planned as the first of several similar shows, all with the same aim in mind.“We will continue to bring in artists whom we think it would be fun to show together, and also showcase the incredible depth of talent which exists on this tiny Island,” she said.Giving a sampling of some of what viewers will discover in the new exhibition, Mrs Head said, “Molly Godet has done three paintings which really are strong, gorgeous watercolours as only Molly can use the medium.“Chris Grimes is exhibiting ‘stormy’ paintings with wonderful seas; Milton Hill has done some real gems: miniature sailboats in Bermuda cedar. One is ‘Spirit of Bermuda’ and the other is ‘Pride of Baltimore’. Nicholas Silk has chosen pen and wash as his medium, while Tina Hutchings has done a wonderful grouping of work in mixed media.“Stephen Card is showing marine and still life paintings, and I am showing Bermuda landscapes in oils, including Flatts Village, Boss’s Cove in Spanish Point, and the gardens of the former Perfume Factory.”‘Summer Exhibition 2013’ closes on August 1.For gallery hours and further information see Exhibitions in the Bermuda Calendar, or telephone 295-1783.

Windjammer Exhibition: Molly Godet, "Beware", Watercolour.
Windjammer Exhibition: William Collieson, "Requiem", Mixed Media.