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Folk Club lines up artists

Val Sherwood is among the artists lined up for the Bermuda Folk Club's open mic night on Saturday, September 13

Music fans should mark their calendar for Saturday, September 13 when the Bermuda Folk Club holds its monthly open mic evening, with a number of well-known Island artists lined up to take part.

Among them will be the Somersfield Violinists, from Somersfeild Academy, who impressed with an accomplished performance at a previous folk club event.

Recording artist Val Sherwood is also due to perform. Earlier this year she released her CD Be Fabulous, which includes the enchanting ode to the Island Colours of Bermuda.

Michael Cacy, a featured artist on the 2012 Lennon Bermuda compilation CD, will perform, along with Peter Haynes, Jamie Lovell, Michael Keats and Scott Neil.

The folk club meets at Spanish Point Boat Club, in Pembroke, with music starting at 8pm.