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Nylah nails it

Nylah Bassett with the gingerbread men she made for her YouTube channel, Nylah Nailed It (Photograph supplied)
Nylah Bassett makes loquat jam (Photograph supplied)
Nylah Bassett with her mother, Kiara Somner (Photograph supplied)
Nylah Bassett with the pancakes made for her YouTube channel, Nylah Nailed It (Photograph supplied)

Nylah Bassett is one of Bermuda’s youngest YouTube sensations.

The three-year-old started helping her mother to cook almost as soon as she could sit up on her own.

“I would put her on the counter and she would help me mix,” said Kiara Somner.

Nylah showed a natural talent – mixing things and pouring pancake batter like a pro.

Her mother started recording their cooking and craft adventures and created a YouTube channel, Nylah Nailed It. The idea was that it would make it easier to share the videos with friends and family and might inspire others.

“I love to show other parents what they can do with their kids,” the Cedar Hill, Warwick resident said.

One of the first videos showed Nylah making hot chocolate; in the year since her dishes have ranged from "spider" pancakes to cinnabons and chickpea and vegetable curry.

On November 17 they will release a video made in partnership with a local company, Cedarberry Foods.

“One day she said she wanted to try cheesy breadsticks,” Ms Somner said. “So I said let’s make them.”

Added Nylah: “To make dough you have to put the butter in and some milk, and guess what we have a different kind of butter. It is called Cedarberry Foods, and it is plant-based butter.”

An earlier video partnered the pair with Dakia O’Brien of The Picky Little Eaters Club.

“That was really fun,” Ms Somner said. “I said to Dakia, if this doesn’t go well, I am sorry. Nylah is three. But she said she wanted authenticity. So we have worked with them.”

Ms Somner wasn’t expecting much when she started posting but the channel now has 174 subscribers, with some viewers tuning in from overseas.

“I am just a normal person in Bermuda. When I see some of the viewers watching from different places, I wonder how they found this page. I could understand if people in Bermuda know about it, but when it is going to other places around the world, it is like wow,” she said.

Equally surprising is that strangers sometimes recognise Nylah and stop to talk.

The toddler is usually happy to chat back.

One of their most popular videos was inspired by Flora Duffy's gold medal win at the Olympics.

“She had never seen a triathlon before and she was captivated. Ever since that day she now thinks she is Flora Duffy, and no one can tell her otherwise.”

When Nylah started doing her own version of a triathlon around the house, Ms Somner started recording.

Her daughter's creativity shone through it all – during the swimming lap, for example, she lay on the floor and pretended.

“Then she said she wanted to throw some water on her head like Flora,” Ms Somner said. “I said you’re not getting water all over my kitchen floor.”

That video got 472 views, compared to their usual 60 or 70.

Nylah is a picky eater. Her mother initially started cooking with her hoping it might turn things around if she had a hand in making the meal. It didn’t quite work out that way.

Ms Somner gets craft ideas from TikTok, Pinterest and Facebook; subscribers sometimes send in ideas or challenges.

When she first started the channel, she thought the editing would be difficult but after five videos she had the app nailed.

“Anything that involves creativity will keep me up all night because I am excited to do it.”

The hard part turned out to be the cleanup. During one video Nylah spilt an entire bag of sugar. Another time, she forgot to put the lid on a bottle before she shook it. “So it is cleaning that all up, putting that all in the trash and starting over,” Ms Somner said. “I might say, 'I know you didn’t mean it, but that doesn’t make mummy happy. Can you do it better?' Then she has to think, how can I do it better?”

Nylah sometimes gets bored in the middle of filming. So they stop.

“I only do what she wants,” Ms Somner said. “In the beginning I was posting almost every week and then she got older and said I don’t want to do that. We still cooked together but for a long period we did not post. I wasn’t going to force her.”

Then a few months ago Nylah was ready to get back in the game.

“Because her imagination is extensive, that makes us work because we both share the same excitement over creativity,” Ms Somner said.

Now that Nylah is older she can follow a script for the intro and ending. Whatever happens in the middle they just run with.

“I have grown a lot through this,” Ms Somner said. “But to see my child develop has been amazing.”

Watch Nylah Nailed It on YouTube and Facebook. For more information: bit.ly/3qgilwq

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Published November 09, 2021 at 8:07 am (Updated November 10, 2021 at 7:51 am)

Nylah nails it

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