First solo exhibition for Jahbarri Wilson opens at Masterworks
A young artist’s first solo exhibition has opened at Masterworks with ethereal prints and boundary-pushing interpretations.
Jahbarri Wilson, 24, said: “I don’t know how to put it into words, but this is something I’ve been waiting for a long time. I knew I would get here, but it’s been some time.”
Called All Play is Spiritual, the exhibition features acrylic and oil paintings, as well as several sculptures, all with a free-form style to them.
The works, Mr Wilson said, are characterised by their organic brush strokes and expressionist style that he said came out when he painted what felt natural.
He added that this philosophy carried over into the name.
Mr Wilson explained: “Every time I’m playing or just experimenting I make cool mistakes — and I really like making mistakes, because then I’m like ‘I didn’t mean to do that, how can I make this mistake again?’
“Basically, your subconscious shows you things while you’re playing around, but sometimes you’re not paying attention to it.
“I like to pay attention to it because I know that it the true me. Everything else, the conscious, that’s just ego.
“That’s what you portray and put out to the world, but the deep-down subconscious version of that is what you find through play.”
Mr Wilson, from Devonshire, said that his works would also feature “visuals that represent or feel like deities” underlining the theme of the show.
He added: “There’s usually a tug of war between conscious and subconscious.
“There might be a lot of expressive moment going on and then sometimes I have to reel it in and focus on what I really want to get across.”
Mr Wilson said that he started the project last year after Masterworks approached him with an opportunity for a show.
He said that he tried his best to push as many boundaries as he could regarding what the exhibition could offer.
Mr Wilson said: “I came with this very unstructured idea that pushed against their structure, but we found a happy medium.
“We managed to whittle down a good idea of what I would do and where I could put my art.”
Mr Wilson said that, now that his first solo exhibition was complete, he hoped to focus on public art installations.
All Play is Spiritual will be available at Masterworks until November 1.