Do yourself a favour and visit Al Seymour’s ‘Burst of Joy’
I recently visited the Al Seymour exhibition in the Rick Faries Gallery at Masterworks and truly I was utterly enchanted.
It is appropriately titled, “A Burst of Joy”.
The artist depicts Bermuda but with a difference. He paints as if he is in love with the island. His paintings convince me that he actually is.
In seeing this show, I thought of Vincent van Gogh, not that Seymour’s style resembles that of Van Gogh in any way, but there are commonalities. Both artists rely heavily on textured paint, as well as exaggerated colour.
Well Van Gogh, despite his beautiful paintings, was a troubled soul. On the contrary, Seymour, judging by his photograph, comes across as a happy man. I don’t think we have ever met, but he sure looks like someone I would like to meet. He looks like he is bursting with joy.
There are 32 paintings in the show. Most are oils, but two are in watercolour. All are for sale, all at affordable prices.
If you need to recharge your life, pay a visit to Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art and the Al Seymour show will do that for you. Do yourself a favour, go see this show, sooner than later.
The exhibition continues through March 7.