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Bermuda Islander - Step 10C

A look at a home-grown company

Your personal investment review

This phase of your financial review may be bit more tedious for some, but it is also the most important, so we will cover it in steps Ten - Thirteen.

We will review

A.Why invest at all in capital markets?

B.Investment basics - just a few (a much more complete review will be featured in Book Two, the First Bermuda Every-Day Investment Primer coming soon;

C.A quick look at a hypothetical small Bermuda business start-up relating to stock ownership (a more complete picture leading to Book Two is featured in the Appendix A);

D.Assess, in general, your personal investment holdings and asset allocations, if you own any;

E.Show the characteristics of a balanced portfolio if you want to own investments outside of your pension.

Click here to download the pdf

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Published January 18, 2021 at 12:10 am (Updated January 18, 2021 at 12:10 am)

Bermuda Islander - Step 10C

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