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Bermuda Islander - Step 15


The Dimming of the Day – Estate Planning for your family and legacy

Have we put our affairs in order?

Managing the finances of a single individual is a challenge any day of the week. Imagine how complex it can be when a nuclear family or several generations come into play. Some of the stressors that occur within family circles are the very ones that could be avoided by putting simple, easily understood estate planning into place, early.

We are all creatures of habit. Many of us find it extremely difficult at the end of the day to take care of financial tasks, so we don’t; they just get put off, sometime inevitably. Statistically, still more than 45% of individuals, on a global basis, have no will or estate plan.

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Published March 29, 2021 at 1:45 am (Updated March 29, 2021 at 1:45 am)

Bermuda Islander - Step 15

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