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Ascendant falls 4.75%

Three companies suffered share price falls of more than four percent in Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) trading last week.Ascendant Group Ltd saw the sharpest fall, dipping 65 cents, or 4.75 percent, to $13.02 on the trading of 15,200 shares.Telecommunications group KeyTech Ltd saw 25 cents, or 4.54 percent knocked off its share price, to close the week on $5.25 as 1,600 of its shares changed hands.Insurer BF&M Ltd experienced a similar fall on low volume, dipping 73 cents, or 4.64 percent, to $15, as 100 shares traded.The biggest climber was Devonshire Industries Ltd, which surged 18.4 percent, or 70 cents, to close Friday’s trading session at $4.50, on the trading of 2,000 shares.Butterfield Bank, the most traded stock, also advanced. The bank moved up three cents, or 2.3 percent, to finish the week on $1.33, as 53,000 shares were exchanged.The Royal Gazette/BSX Index was essentially flat for the week, gaining 0.68 of a point, or 0.06 percent, to close at 1.107.34.The volume of shares traded was 72,205, while turnover was a little shy of $298,000.