Butterfield shares gain 0.9% in New York
The RG/BSX Index closed unchanged on 2,286.68 on Friday after a day of no trades.
For the week, the index gained 42.91 points, or 1.87 per cent, driven by a 2.6 per cent rise in Butterfield Bank’s share price, which closed the week on $31.
Butterfield’s US-listed shares gained 30 cents, or 0.94 per cent, to close on $32.31 on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.
The Bermuda Stock Exchange will be closed for two public holidays next week, Emancipation Day and Mary Prince Day.
There will be no trading on August 3 and August 4.
The exchange will be open again August 7.
Bermuda’s two-day holiday is known locally and the Cup Match holiday, with government offices, banks and most other public institutions closed.
Trading has been especially subdued in recent days, with no trading at all on a number of days.