Remembrance. This is the week we celebrate November 11 in order to remember all of those who have had either a direct or indirect impact on our lives. The sacrifices made, the lives lost early to accident or disease, all of these have contributed to our world and to us as individuals. Now is the time to put into perspective what all of those before us have done to help us to be better people and to have the opportunity to also make a difference. The best way we can honour their memories is to work hard to make our world a better place and to initiate actions that move us forward together, no focus on race, gender, or nationality, but a genuine expression of building a team effort to make progress. Honour those in your past by creating a better future for us all.“Ruminating about the past will get you nowhere. So go ahead and learn from the past whatever you can, and then put it behind you. Remember, there is nothing you can do to change it, but you can use its lessons to improve your future.” - Abraham J TwerskiBooster Shot is provided by David Hills, of Small Business Advisors Ltd. He can be contacted on 295-7832 or by e-mail at dhhills[AT]