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The Job with Nicola Muirhead

Name: Nicola MuirheadAge: 26 years oldRole: Volunteer Coordinator with Eliza DoLittle’s Daily Bread programmeWhat is your job?I assist with organising and recruiting volunteers as well as events that need volunteer participation. Daily Bread would not be possible without those whom are willing to help, and the mission of this organisation can only be realised with their involvement!What is your favourite part?My favourite part of Daily Bread has always been working with the feeding centres and being on the ground helping. I have enjoyed meeting our new volunteers at these centres and seeing their engagement with our community. We have had many volunteers continue on to become key members of Daily Bread's administrative and fundraising team, all because of their experience with the Daily Bread feeding centres. It is clear that Daily Bread is becoming an important aspect in the lives of our homeless and those struggling to make ends meet. You can see the relief this service gives them immediately which makes volunteering with this organisation extremely rewarding. That is how I agreed to the role of Volunteer Coordinator.What is your least favourite part?My least favourite part of the Daily Bread experience would have to be the uncertainty of food donations and fundraising. Despite the dire need for Daily Bread's existence, there are times when our feeding centres can only be promised a meal a week simply because of the unavailability of food and/or donations. In these moments I am very worried. There are a lot of individuals who rely on this service. They need food! But we have an amazing team of fundraisers and almost always, they get something to be served at the centres.What is your most interesting experience at work?My most interesting experience with Daily Bread has been working with the staff, and learning the 'ins and outs' of Daily Bread's operations. It is not a conventional organisation, nor a boring one at that. We all get our hands dirty at some point whether it be making phone calls to donors, standing outside of Hunt's with a donation bucket, or riding with the drivers to help pick up bread and food for the centres! Everyone on Daily Bread's team has been called to assist in different areas of the organisation and that has been extremely exciting!What would you be doing otherwise?In the year since I've returned home from college I have been disheartened, like many young Bermudians, about the economic and social climate of this country. We have many issues in this community that need to be addressed by somebody and I believe non-profit are doing that! Daily Bread was an obvious choice for me, but there are several other organisations I have also worked with that service other important aspects of our country's society. It just so happens that Daily Bread is one of the newer additions to our island's movement for positive change and I have enjoyed every minute working with them. Aside from Daily Bread, I would have happily committed to several other organisations we have on this island, because all of them strive to improve Bermuda and better Bermudians. It is about getting involved as much as possible!