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BOOSTER SHOT: Catch your ideas

Ideas. How many times have you wondered where ideas come from? We all watch as new products, other innovations, and new concepts are created and observe their impact on us and our society.How do people create these ideas and why do they work? Ideas are often created in your mind when you are at rest — how many times have you thought of an idea when you were sleeping or half awake — do you ever write these down?Too often people dismiss these ideas as impossible and then are dismayed when someone else takes the same idea and makes a success of it. Develop a new habit — write down your ideas — and then assess them rationally — you may just have come up with something unique!“Look sharply after your thoughts. They come unlooked for, like a new bird seen in your trees, and, if you turn to your usual task, disappear.” — Ralph Waldo EmersonFor more information, visit the SBA website at www.smallbusinessadvisors.com, call 295-7832 or e-mail dhhills@ibl.bm. You can view past boosters at www.smallbusinessadvisors.com/boosters/index.htm