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Start your team on the right path

Consistently building high performance teams is a challenging and complex undertaking, but focusing on a few specific steps can help, says Harvard Business Review.The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and HBR.org (http://www.hbr.org). Any opinions expressed are not endorsed by Reuters.“Any manager who has put together a team - be it large or small, in-person or virtual - knows how difficult it is to get a group started off right.Next time you have to launch a team, try these three things to improve your chances of success:1. Foster Trust. People who trust one another tend to get work done quickly. Encourage an environment where people feel free to speak their minds.2. Quickly acknowledge mistakes. No group can succeed without correcting itself along the way. Candid and timely conversations are essential.3. Be clear about expectations. The clearer the mission, the better the team performance. Everyone must know what is expected of them, in as granular a way as is practical.”Today’s management tip was adapted from “Building Effective Teams Isn’t Rocket Science, But It’s Just as Hard” by Douglas R Conant.