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BIU granted injunction

An injunction was granted preventing unionised KFC employees from being forced into accepting less favourable work terms.BIU President Chris Furbert issued a press release announcing the injunction yesterday following a hearing before Chief Justice Ian Kawaley.The move is the latest in the ongoing dispute between the Bermuda Industrial Union and the fast food restaurant.The release stated: “After an argument which lasted the afternoon, the BIU and its members who are employees of KFCB were successful and were granted an injunction prohibiting KFCB and KFCO from making proposals to the KFCB employees that in order to be employed by KFCO those employees must accept terms and conditions of employment less favourable than the terms and conditions of employment they enjoyed when working with KFCB including the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement dated April 2008 and incorporated into their terms and conditions of employment until the trial of an action deciding the issues or further order of the Court.”The disagreement dated back to December when KFC cancelled it’s collective bargaining agreement with the union.Since then, both parties have accused the other of not acting in good faith in discussions.On April 12, the union launched a boycott of the restaurant. The boycott lasted nearly six weeks, ending on May 22 as both sides submitted their terms of reference and nominees for an arbitration hearing.KFC however filed a Supreme Court writ seeking judicial review on Government’s decision to send the matter to arbitration.The dispute however continued this month with hundreds of unionised workers marching on the Queen Street restaurant on June 1.