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Be the change you want to see

Speak up: if you are fed up with bad driving, join our campaign

Drive for Change aims to make it as easy as possible for you to inform yourself on the issues surrounding road safety and for you to exercise your democratic rights.

If you are fed up with the hazardous driving practices you see on Bermuda’s roads on a daily basis, speak up.

Change appears to be on the horizon. The Progressive Labour Party government has given the impression that it, too, is keen to improve road safety in Bermuda through amendments and additions to legislation. Transport minister Walter Roban has gone as far as to say roadside sobriety testing will be in place during this parliamentary year and that he is committed to introducing road-safety education at primary school level.

But it is up to every one of us to make it known to our lawmakers what we want. We have the power to contribute to the change we need.

Shari-Lynn Pringle, campaign manager for our partner at A Piece of the Rock, said: “We are encouraged by the PLP government’s recent statements on roadside sobriety and remain optimistic that the Government will address three core issues related to road safety. However, we won’t be completely satisfied unless there is passage of legislation on these key issues and enforcement by the Bermuda Police Service.

“We are hopeful that David Burt’s government and the Governor, John Rankin, will ensure enforcement of the laws once they are passed, as without proper enforcement, the new laws will be just ink on paper. We urge the elected Members of Parliament and the Governor to work together to make Bermuda safer.”

If you believe that improving road safety should be a priority for our government, write to your MPs and tell them.

The more people speak out about it, the more the politicians will sit up and listen.

We will be keeping you up to date with all developments related to road safety in the coming months. We will be running polls, surveys and, ultimately, a petition on the main issues.

Keep an eye out for more on how to be the change.

E-mail your MPs:

PLP MPs’ contacts are available on www.plp.bm

OBA MPs’ contacts are available on www.oba.bm

Local road safety resources:

E-mail comments, ideas, experiences or concerns to driveforchange@royalgazette.com

Share the film A Piece of the Rock with as many people as possible. It is now available for free on https://vimeo.com/apotr

Follow the Bermuda Police Service Twitter account at: @bps_rpu

Learn more about the Bermuda Road Safety Council at https://www.facebook.com/BermudaRoadSafety/

Visit Cada: www.cada.bm

Visit the A Piece of the Rock Facebook page www.facebook.com/makeBermudaroadssafer/

Corporate sponsorship:

Could your business contribute to the nationwide effort to make Bermuda’s roads safer?

There are numerous initiatives that could contribute to change.

Members of Parliament and ten years of carnage in their constituencies

(deaths in parentheses)

C1 (1) Renée Ming: raming@plp.bm

C2 (3) Kim Swan: kswan@plp.bm

C3 (0) Lovitta Foggo: lfoggo@plp.bm

C4 (11) Tinée Furbert: tfurbert@plp.bm

C5 (1) Derrick Burgess: dburgess@plp.bm

C6 (4) Wayne Furbert: wfurbert@plp.bm

C7 (5) Sylvan Richards: srichards@oba.bm

C8 (2) Cole Simmons: csimons@oba.bm (294-3208)

C9 (1) Trevor Moniz: tmoniz@oba.bm (294-3209)

C10 (1) Michael Dunkley: mdunkley@oba.bm (294-3210)

C11 (1) Christopher Famous: cfamous@plp.bm

C12 (14) Craig Cannonier: ccannonier@oba.bm (294-3212)

C13 (3) Diallo Rabain: drabain@plp.bm

C14 (3) Wayne Caines: wcaines@plp.bm

C15 (7) Walter Roban: wroban@plp.bm

C16 (2) Michael Weeks: mweeks@plp.bm

C17 (2) Walton Brown: wbrown@plp.bm

C18 (0) David Burt: dburt@plp.bm

C19 (0) Jeanne Atherden: jatherden@oba.bm (294-3219)

C20 (4) Susan Jackson: sjackson@oba.bm (294-3220)

C21 (1) Rolfe Commissiong: rcommissiong@plp.bm

C22 (1) Grant Gibbons: ggibbons@oba.bm (294-3222)

C23 (12) Pat Gordon-Pamplin: pgordonpamplin@oba.bm (294-3223)

C24 (1) Lawrence Scott: lscott@plp.bm

C25 (4) Jeff Baron: jbaron@oba.bm / 294-3225

C26 (1) Neville Tyrrell: ntyrrell@plp.bm

C27 (3) David Burch: dburch@plp.bm

C28 (3) Dennis Lister III: dlister3@plp.bm

C29 (6) Zane DeSilva: zdesilva@plp.bm

C30 (3) Leah Scott: lscott@oba.bm (294-3230)

C31 (4) Ben Smith: bsmith@oba.bm (294-3231)

C32 (1) Scott Simmons: ssimmons@plp.bm

C33 (5) Jamahl Simmons: jsimmons@plp.bm

C34 (2) Kim Wilson: kwilson@plp.bm

C35 (0) Dennis Lister: dlister@plp.bm

C36 (5) Michael Scott: mscott@plp.bm

You can also write directly to the relevant Cabinet ministers:

Minister for Transport and Regulatory Affairs Walter Roban can be reached on wroban@plp.bm

Minister for National Security Wayne Caines can be reached on wcaines@plp.bm

Minister of Health Kim Wilson can be reached on kwilson@plp.bm