Errant driver becomes subject of an inquiry
An investigation has been launched after a minibus driver decided to go through a crash scene while an injured teenager lay in the road.
The Royal Gazette’s Drive for Change was on the scene when the man ignored pleas to stop by members of the public just after the crash on North Shore Road, near the junction of Radnor Road, last Saturday afternoon.
The driver mounted the sidewalk to get past a queue of backed-up traffic and drove over the crash debris before he turned right on to Radnor Road.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Transport and Regulatory Affairs said: “Under provisions of the Motor Car Act 1951, the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board is the authority for all matters concerning public service vehicles.
“The matter will be investigated by a technical officer who will prepare a file for the attention of the board at their next meeting on March 20, 2018.
“During the investigation, the operator of the minibus will have an opportunity to explain why he took the action that he did and the board will consider that information during their deliberations.”
Inspector Robert Cardwell, head of the traffic police, said: “It is very inconsiderate behaviour not only to the work that will be done by police but it could also jeopardise justice being realised for a victim.
“Had a police officer been present and was directing traffic and that officer’s signals were ignored, then a traffic offence would have been committed.”