Transport Green Paper to call for more input
A total of 2,365 people completed the Government survey for the Green Paper on Transportation.
The Transport Survey on public transportation, which includes elements of road safety, also sought direct input from some 70 stakeholders.
The Ministry of Transport and Regulatory Affairs is now moving to its next phase of broad public consultation in advance of new policy decisions.
The next public input will be a Pro-Action Café which will include input from environmentalists, community leaders, stakeholder groups and members of the general public who completed the survey. The exercise is designed to leverage the collective intelligence of the group.
Deputy Premier and transport minister Walter Roban said he was extremely pleased with the amount of people who took the time to complete the survey, estimated to take about 15 minutes, on the Government portal over the four weeks of the exercise.
Mr Roban said: “It has to be one of the most successful online surveys run by the Government and consultation has reached out even further.
“We are determined to get a broad understanding of public wishes before embarking on any plan to change the state of transportation in Bermuda. But something must be done and we expect to begin making substantive changes this year to improve the quality of life in Bermuda with regard to transportation.
“Before we move on to another exciting phase of this initiative, it is important that I convey how grateful I am that so many took the 15 to 20 minutes necessary to participate in this important survey.
“Bermuda faces a litany of challenges when it comes to transportation. And the Government may propose a series of changes that will alter some aspects of how any of us get from point A to B in the future.
“But right now we are listening and we will continue to do that with a survey planned for students, and, another forum that will allow public input.”
The Transport Planning Team has also heard from visitors, tourism industry stakeholders, and will have to go through a large number of written submissions sent directly to the Ministry.
Separate to the priority list of solutions, the Ministry will be making decisions shortly on outstanding matters which include those related to minicars and minibuses.