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David: 'The key is not going backwards'

For the last week in his 100 Day Challenge David Paynter, The Royal Gazette's columnist's weight loss has definitely slowed.

Last week he had to even double the work outs because he was finding it hard to maintain the loss, but he's not disheartened by these turn of events.

Instead he looks at where he was and where he is and he's happy to just be maintaining the 41 pound loss.

He said: "When you get to that stage, I don't know. We have gone so far you don't want to set yourself back. You just don't go overboard with the eating.

"The key is not going backwards. At this stage, to maintain things is exciting. Now I need to buys some clothes."

So even though he spent the Friday at the Agriculture Show at the Botanical Gardens, David managed to maintain his composure and only ate a burger and refrained from the doughnuts.

It was his self-restraint — and most definitely the line that 'stretched for miles' — that helped him keep the discipline that has become second nature during his quest for a healthier life.

It has only gotten easier for this father, who finds it much easier to exercise now with less hanging off him and eating is a cinch as the farmer's market becomes like the back of his hand.

"This week I had to step up the workouts," he said. "I noticed more fluctuation in my weight. I had to work harder this week.

"The Biggest Loser finale was on this week which is two hours. So I would do half-hour to 40 minutes in the morning and then another hour or two after work.

"When I work out now there is less moving when I work out. It's a nice feeling to feel it so much lighter. It also get easier going to the vegetable stands.

"It's a regular thing now. When we didn't have the system down, this eating healthy was expensive. Now we get more for our buck."

Which will help as David needs to start buying clothes that fit him, as his previous clothes start to hang off his frame. Piece by piece David hopes to build a new wardrobe.