November 20, 2023 8:00AM It seems we couldn’t care less about sinking without a trace A frustrated Michael Fahy joins the call for smaller government while attracting more competent people to serve
November 07, 2023 8:00AM The hidden key? Michael Fahy reviews Throne Speech 2023, arrowing in on the Government’s apparent determination to feature more prominently in Caricom
November 02, 2023 8:00AM Fine line between justice and revenge Michael Fahy dismisses Social Justice Bermuda’s commentary on the Israeli-Hamas war as “cowardly”, “pathetic” and “complete nonsense”
October 25, 2023 8:00AM AI comes with its warnings Michael Fahy cautions against unethical use of technology giving students an easy way out
October 19, 2023 8:00AM Rip up those taxi regs and start again Michael Fahy says the bad actors in the industry need to be called out by the masses who serve Bermuda admirably
October 09, 2023 8:00AM Morgan’s Point could be the answer for cruise ship overtourism Michael Fahy believes the strain could be eased on Horseshoe Bay and Dockyard with a change in strategy
September 26, 2023 8:00AM Not fit for purpose Michael Fahy says neither the Progressive Labour Party nor the One Bermuda Alliance espouses policies that match their alleged ideologies
September 19, 2023 8:00AM Celebration of mediocrity Michael Fahy says the country is propped up by a campaign of smoke and mirrors, unfulfilled promises and a narrative that we are improving
September 11, 2023 8:00AM What are we waiting for? Build higher! Michael Fahy believes 20-storey residential buildings can save land and provide a solution to rising costs
September 05, 2023 8:00AM No good thing ever dies Michael Fahy is back, and he hopes the Government can rescue the population deficit before it’s too late