See if you can spot the link between the following three vignettes. Ready? (Hint: it’s the economy).
First there was Sage
How did you spend your weekend? Me? I blew the dust off the Sage Report — wel...
A funny thing happened when the House of Assembly resumed this past Friday ... peace broke out. Well, not completely. There was still the usual political snipery. This is politics, after all.
But the ...
Many of you will have seen the recent news about the captain of a US aircraft carrier who allegedly broke ranks to warn that a large number of sailors on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt had contracte...
Some 25 years ago, a debate was raging in America about the power of words. The argument was this: do words matter?
William Raspberry, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist at The Washington Post whose...
It is welcome news that the Attorney-General, responding to last year’s stinging criticism by Bermuda’s Court of Appeal, has finally appointed a panel of litigation guardians.
However, it is astoundin...
First, let’s start with the positive.
Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health in the present Progressive Labour Party government, has the ability to tackle the island’s very real healthcare problems.
She i...
Last Friday in the House of Assembly, Curtis Dickinson, the Progressive Labour Party’s newish finance minister, and I marked our mutual anniversary. Friday was exactly one year since we were both elec...
It will very soon be my first anniversary as an elected MP. People often ask me how I am finding it up on the Hill. My first year as the newest Member of the House has certainly been interesting, some...
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.
These emotions, doctors tell us, are the five stages of grief.
And the people working in Bermuda’s international business community — “Bermuda Inc” —...
With the Premier in London meeting with the UK Overseas Territories Association, this may be an appropriate moment to reflect on Bermuda’s present relationship with Britain.
There are times when Bermu...