Dear Heather,
December is here. I am just about to put my property on the market. Shall I wait until after Christmas? Not many people look over Christmas time do they?
Selling over Christmas
Dear Sell...
Dear Heather,
I have friends saving up for a house so they don’t want to exchange gifts this Christmas. We still want to do something that includes them can you suggest an alternative?
Friends Saving ...
Dear Heather
Our home is getting too small with our growing family. We don’t know whether to add on another bedroom and family room, or to sell and get something bigger. What do you suggest?
Growing F...
Dear Heather,
We’re tired of throwing our money away on rent. We want to buy our own piece of the rock but with all the political upheaval worldwide we’re not sure if now is the right time, or how it ...
Dear Heather,
I am just about to put my home on the market for sale. What should I be doing to make it appeal to buyers? Have you got any advice?
Just About To Sell
Dear Just About To ...
Dear Heather,
I have had my house on the market for about three months. Only a couple of people have looked at it and I haven’t had an offer, but my friend in real estate says the price is right. Why ...
Dear Heather,
I am just about to put my house on the market, but I am going to paint it first. Do you think this will make a difference and what colour do you recommend?
Choosing Paint
Dear Heather,
We are in the process of selling our home and our agent tells us we must have a boundary survey done. I don’t understand why we should have this done, the boundaries haven’t moved. It’s ...
Dear Heather,
I own my own home. What is your advice about hurricanes? They seem to be out there left, right and centre — how can I minimise damage? What do I do before, during and after the storm in ...
Dear Heather,
I live alone in the family homestead as my children live overseas. It is more convenient for me to visit them than the other way around and I don’t know whether to sell or not. Is now a ...