Dear Heather,
I am going to be buying a home soon. Everyone is telling me different things but everyone always says: “Remember, it’s location, location, location!” Is this true?
New Buyer
Dear New Buy...
Dear Heather,
I am selling my house due to some unforeseen and difficult circumstances that I would rather people didn’t know about. Does the realtor have to disclose to buyers why I am selling?
Dear Heather,
We put in an offer for a property recently, and it turned out there were multiple offers on the property and it sold for more than the asking price. Are sellers able to do this? When we ...
Dear Heather,
I am going to put my house on the market but there’s one thing holding me back. It’s such a mess! Over the years I seem to have collected all sorts of “stuff’’. I would be happy to declu...
Dear Heather,
My husband and I recently bought a property. There was a six-foot-by-three-foot rose garden in the back yard. When we did our final home inspection, the roses were there. But when we sho...
Dear Heather,
It’s so hot this summer, I don’t feel I can go without air conditioning, but it’s so expensive to run! Have you got any ideas on keeping my electricity bill low?
Feeling Hot!
Dear Feeli...
Dear Heather,
We are just about to move. It’s stressing me out!
Do you have any advice?
Dear Stressed,
Three things are certain in life: death, taxes — and undue stress caused by moving. Hop...
Dear Heather,
We are due to close on the house we want to buy next week, however, the seller has run into problems finding rental accommodation as something they were going after fell through. Now wha...
Dear Heather,
We are going on vacation for three weeks. Since you show vacant homes all the time in real estate we thought you might have some tips. There was a break-in in our area recently. What can...
Dear Heather,
I have a property that has always fallen into the “non-Bermudian” category. However, I read last week that the Bermuda Government has proposed reducing the annual rental value threshold ...