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$1,000 spree with a stolen credit card earns man two years in prison

A 25-year-old Sandys man has been jailed for two years on combined charges of trespass, forgery and perverting the course of justice. Germiko Michaels Williams, of Tribe Road Six, admitted to a spending spree with a credit card belonging to Elizabeth Arnold.Crown counsel Nicole Smith told Magistrates’ Court that at 6pm on October 22, Ms Arnold used her Butterfield Bank Mastercard at the Athletic Club in Pembroke. The next day, while travelling overseas, she noticed it was missing.The card was used throughout October 23; bills later showed it was used at Arnold’s Express on Church Street and at Flanagan’s . At 9.40pm, police attended the Maximart in response to a report of a person using a stolen card.An employee had become suspicious when Williams returned to the store. He snatched the card and ran out. When questioned, Williams gave them his younger brother’s name and signed bail forms with it.The credit card was found in his pocket. His wallet contained Digicel Flexcards also purchased with it. He admitted the deception on December 24, under interview at Somerset Police Station.In the meantime, Ms Arnold had identified 16 unauthorised transactions on her account totalling just over $1,000.Magistrate Juan Wolffe asked Williams why he had kept using his brother’s name with police. Williams said: “I didn’t get him into trouble.”Said Mr Wolffe: “You could have. Your brother could have gotten arrested and held in custody for 24 hours. That’s not brotherly love.”The court also heard a July 5 charge of trespass against Williams. The complainant, Sharilyn Williams, left Bermuda for a vacation on June 10, leaving the key to her apartment with a friend. On July 5, her friend noticed a Gateway laptop computer missing from the apartment.There was no sign of a forced entry, and the next day it was back again. Police forensics later took a fingerprint from the computer. Returning home on July 17, Ms Williams noticed her washing machine and dryer had been used, her bed had been slept in, and personal files had been deleted from her computer. A woman identified by her fingerprint and arrested by police turned out to be Williams’ girlfriend.During an August 5 interview with police, he admitted using a ladder to unlock the apartment window, and removing the computer because he wanted to write a resume.Mr Wolffe sentenced Williams to two years’ imprisonment for trespass and forgery, plus six months for perverting the course of justice, with the sentences to run concurrently.He also gave two years’ probation, on the condition that Williams seek counselling and rehabilitation, and refrain from the use of alcohol and illicit drugs.