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Homeless thief stole phone cards to exchange for food

A homeless man yesterday admitted stealing more than $700 worth of phone cards from Collector’s Hill gas station.Delvin Stevens, 42, later told police he sold the cards in exchange for food.Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney said Stevens entered the gas station on February 7 and approached the cashier, asking about the cost of an item behind the counter.When she turned he grabbed $755 worth of phone cards sitting on the counter, and walked out of the store without paying for them. The entire incident was caught on security camera.Police on patrol on South Road, Devonshire on March 5 saw Stevens riding a motorcycle. They attempted to pull him over, but Stevens refused to stop.The officers chased him until Stevens crashed into a wall on Devon Springs Road. The officers attempted to arrest him but were forced to retreat when they were approached by a number of hostile individuals.A month later, on April 5, officers saw Stevens walking on Front Street. They arrested him for stealing and escaping lawful custody.He then admitted stealing the cards, telling officers he gave them away for food.Stevens said in Magistrates’ Court yesterday: “I’m guilty and I’m sorry for what took place. Since I have been out of prison I have been doing whatever I can. I have been out of trouble until recently. I have been dealing with my addictions.”Mr Mahoney told the court that Stevens is currently on probation in connection with a 2006 robbery charge. Stevens repeatedly told the court that he had never been assigned a probation officer.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered probation officers to look into Stevens’ claims before he is sentenced in plea court today.Stevens was remanded in custody until then.