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Man was caught with cannabis in City Hall car park

A Hamilton Parish man was fined in Magistrates’ Court after he admitted having cannabis in the City Hall car park.Brittonie Taylor, 29, pleaded guilty to possessing a controlled drug while in an increased penalty zone.Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney said that police on mobile patrol on October 16 came upon a number of youths in the car park area.As the officers approached, they saw Taylor and a woman walking towards the area holding hands. When he saw the officers, Taylor appeared nervous, turned and began to walk away.The officers stopped Taylor and while speaking to him, noticed a smell of cannabis. They told him he was going to be searched, at which point Taylor told officers: “I should have just run.”In his left front pocket, officers discovered a clear plastic twist, which was later confirmed to contain 1.3g of cannabis.After pleading guilty in Magistrates’ Court, Taylor apologised, saying that he knew he made a mistake and it wouldn’t happen again.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined him $1,000 for possessing cannabis, and another $1,500 for having the drug in an increased penalty zone.