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Sisters charged with stealing from elderly relative

Charged: Audra-Anne Bean (left) and Lorraine Smith Bean (right)

Two sisters were yesterday charged with stealing almost $500,000 of cash and property from an elderly relative.Audra-Ann Bean, 43, and Lorraine Elizabeth Smith, 45, both appeared in Magistrates’ Court charged with multiple counts of stealing from 86-year-old Lenice Tucker and one count of exploiting a senior between July 15, 2010 and January 13, 2011. Both face charges of stealing property valued at $354,358 and $102,540 from Ms Tucker on or around October 8, 2010.Ms Smith alone faces six charges of stealing cash between August 20, 2010 and October 5, 2010. Ms Bean alone faces a charge of stealing $7,000 from Ms Tucker on September 10 and possessing $1,000 of cash knowing that it was the proceeds of criminal conduct on October 30.In total, the pair are alleged to have stolen around $494,000 in cash and property from the senior. Because the charges will be heard by the Supreme Court, neither defendant was required to enter a plea. Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released both defendants on $10,000 bail on the condition that they not interfere with the complainant.The defendants are scheduled to return to Magistrates’ Court on May 5 for the matter to be mentioned.