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Man apologies for having marijuana near prison

A 22-year-old man caught with marijuana near a prison yesterday described it as “an honest mistake” .Jay Thomas Dill pleaded guilty to possessing 4.3 grams of cannabis near Westgate Correctional Facility in Dockyard.He told Magistrates’ Court: “It was an honest mistake. I didn’t know I had it on me because I had thrown on the same clothes from the night before because I was running late.“When I did notice it was on me it was too late. I tried to throw it away, but [the police] were too close.”He apologised for wasting the court’s time and said it wouldn’t happen again.Police spotted Dill driving a car turning towards the prison around 9.55am last November 9.Officers approached him and exercised their powers to search under the Misuse of Drugs Act.They didn’t find anything suspicious, but they continued to search his car at the Somerset Police Station.In the frame of the right passenger seat the officers found a bag containing the drugs.They later went to his home on Horseshoe Road in Southampton and found a metal grinder and Rizla papers, said to be used in connection with the offence.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined him a total of $3,200.This includes $2,500 for possessing drugs in an increased penalty zone; $400 for the drug equipment and $300 for the wrapping papers.In a separate matter, 46-year-old Swayne Gibbons admitted to being in possession of 0.17 grams of cannabis on January 26.Gibbons, of Harlem Heights Road in Hamilton Parish, was caught with the drugs around 2.45pm that day when officers executed a search warrant for a friend’s home.On the kitchen counter they found a plastic twist containing a plant-like material, belonging to Gibbons.Prosecutor Kirsty-Ann Kiellor told the court he had prior convictions stemming back as far as 1998. Mr Warner fined him $1,000 and gave him until June 5 to pay.