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Soldier missed 32 drills

A Regiment soldier was given a six-month suspended sentence yesterday after he admitted missing 32 drills.Joshua Tweed, 21, from Sandys, pleaded guilty to the offence. He said he missed the drills because of injuries suffered in a road accident.“Last year, right before army started, I got into an accident,” he said. “I had a doctor’s note but I never brought it in.”Tweed told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that injuries to his right ankle continued to cause him problems until December, and he had not been contacted by the Regiment since then. “It slipped my mind. I wasn’t worrying about it,” he said. “No one called me. I didn’t get one phone call.”A representative from the Bermuda Regiment said Tweed had attended only 14 drills since he started with the Regiment in 2008 and had failed to attend at all since March 2010.Mr Warner said that he believed Tweed had no intention of returning to Regiment.The magistrate handed Tweed a six-month sentence, which he suspended for one year. “You have got one more year to do in the Regiment,” Mr Warner said. “If you commit one further offence, which includes these Regiment offences, then you risk this sentence being activated.”